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CRM: A SaaS Product with caliber to rule the industry down the road

The CRM market may touch the $80 billion mark, almost double today’s CRM industry revenue. If you use a CRM for your business or as an employee, what are your thoughts on the current CRM's available in the market?

FinCRM: A Complete Package for Your Growing Business

CRM has become a business necessity now. Whatever business you run, CRM is important for operations, sales, & marketing. In this article, I am going to introduce a CRM that is a perfect-fit for every business. This feature-rich and customizable CRM software is equipped with in-built office management software. So you don’t need to invest extra for other software. This all-in-one package is easy to use and won’t take a large chunk of capital to implement.

LimeSoda verbindet agiles Arbeiten mit Agentursoftware

Agiles Arbeiten und Agentursoftware, wie passt das zusammen? David Ihl, Projektmanager bei der österreichischen Digitalagentur LimeSoda, erzählt im Interview, vor welchen Herausforderungen er steht...

CentralStationCRM gewinnt ALSO Startup Award 2018

Köln, 24.04.2018 Die Kölner CRM-Software CentralStationCRM wurde mit dem ALSO Startup Award 2018 ausgezeichnet. Innovation und Anwenderfreundlichkeit standen im Fokus der Jury.

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